A global movement making the world a better place. One act of kindness at a time.

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Find and manage volunteers to help make your organization’s dream a reality.


Manage your students’ chesed
hours, all in one place.


We empower people to get the help they need through our online directory of resources.

Chesed Match >


We allow individuals to easily find meaningful opportunities to give based on their location, availability, and skillset.

Chesed Works – For Individuals >


We provide a convenient software platform for organizations to recruit volunteers and schools to manage their chesed programs.

Chesed Works – For Schools and Organizations >


We are powering a revolution of kindness through our impactful educational programs and interactive online community.

Chesed Programs >

Changing the world, one chesed at a time.
Have YOU done your one chesed today?

Volunteer Matching


Giving people opportunities to get involved, and providing organizations with the tools to get the volunteers they need.

Click Here >

Chesed Match


Connecting people with help and resources to get them back on their feet.

Click Here >

Creating a Global Movement


Using social media and community programming to create a movement for all types of Jews to get more involved in chesed.

Click Here >

What Can I Do?

I’m just one person!

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We’re a global movement empowering
individuals to act with kindness and make a
difference in the world. You can check in on a
neighbor or volunteer for an organization, it all
counts toward making a better, kinder world.
Join us in our mission!

Together, we can make a change. 

Join the movement!

Follow us on social media and see how we’re changing the world! @justonechesed

Chesed Match

All the Help You Need,
In One Place

Find and connect with Chesed Organizations near you to get the help you need.

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